الاثنين، 19 أغسطس 2013

تجربتي مع استقدام زوجتي الى السعودية

الاوراق المطلوبة:
1- شهادة التخرج مصدقة حتى الملحقية الثقافية والسفارة السعودية في بلدك الاصلي والخارجية السعودية في السعودية.
بالنسبة لي كفلسطيني:
التصديق من جامعة النجاح، التعليم العالي، الخارجية الفلسطينية، السفارة الفلسطينية في الاردن، الخارجية الاردنية، التعليم العالي الاردني، الملحقية الثقافية في الاردن، السفارة السعودية في الاردن، الخارجية السعودية في السعودية.
صورة واصل للمطابقة
2-عقد الزواج مصدق من المحكمة الشرعية وقاضي القضاه في فلسطين ومن ثم السفارة الفلسطينية والخارجية الاردنية والسفارة السعودية في الاردن والخارجية السعودية في السعودية.
صورة واصل للمطابقة
3-صورة عن الاقامة
4-صورة عن جواز السفر للزوج والفيزا وجواز الزوجة
5-تعبئة نموذج الاستقدام المرفق هنا وختمه من الكفيل
6-عمل خطاب تعريف وختمه من الكفيل وتلغرفة التجاري
ثم بهذه الاوراق تذهب لمكتب الاستقدام التابع لوزارة الداخلية من الصباح الباكر تقريبا 4او 5 لوجود عدد كبير وتوزع ارقام على الساعة 7:30 تقريبا.
في المدينة التي صادره منها اقامتك -ممكن تنجح من مدينة اخرى ولكن صعب.لتجربتي الشخصية
الدمام افضل من جده بكثييير
ثم ان شاء الله تاخذ الورقة الصفراء وتراجع فيها في الممثلية السعودية في بلدك

الخميس، 23 مايو 2013


This item used to connect between mullion and building to transfer loads.
Cb...center bolt.
Ab...anchor bolt

Anchor bolt

An anchor bolt is used to attach objects or structures to concrete.
There are many types of anchor bolts, consisting of designs that are mostly proprietary to the manufacturing companies.
All consist of a threaded end, to which a nut and washer can be attached for the external load.
Anchor bolts are extensively used on all types of projects, from standard buildings to dams and nuclear power plants.
They can also be used to firmly affix embed plates to a concrete foundation when used with a structural steel element

السبت، 18 مايو 2013

Spacer between mullions

Height=1 cm.
You can devide it to 2pecies each one 0.5 cm.

SYSTEMS Structural glazing curtain wall systems may be found in many cities in Canada and in the United States.
It may be found with two or four sided capless glazing applications.
In Canada only two sided applications are used with the vertical joints of the IGUs being capless but there are a few specially designed four sided examples.
A structural glazing curtain wall system uses the same aluminum mullion components as the stick built curtain wall except that the mullion nose (neck) of the verticals is omitted to create a capless vertical joint system.The vertical joints between the IGUs are sealed on the outside with silicone sealant for a flush exterior appearance.The horizontal mullions are constructed with standard pressure plates and caps.
Tohold the IGU against the aluminum of the vertical mullion,the inner light of the IGU is held apart from the aluminum mullion with a gasket or spacer tape and a structural silicone sealant is applied between the glass and the aluminum.The joint or contact width is about 12.5 mm (or 1/2 inch).The structural silicone sealant forms a strong adhesive bond having a minimum strength of 20 psi.When the shop drawings are submitted to a silicone manufacturer,they will often warranty an application for twenty years if it is determined that all materials are compatible by testing. Silicone sealant is vapour permeable.In high humidity indoor environments,where the structural silicone may be exposed to high humidity during winter,the silicone may require a cap bead of moisture resistant sealant (butyl) to minimize the diffusion of humidity into the structural silicone glazed joint


A glass and aluminum curtain wall fabricated and installed as a panel system is referred to as a unitized curtain wall system.A unitized curtain wall will have the same components as a stick built curtain wall system.It will comprise aluminum mullions,an IGU and a spandrel panel mounted in a prefabricated aluminum frame.However,instead of assembling the glass and aluminum curtain wall in the field,most of the system components are assembled in a plant under controlled working conditions.This promotes quality assembly and allows for fabrication lead-time and rapid closure of the building


The oldest curtain wall type is the stick built system.It is a cladding and exterior wall system which is hung on the building structure from floor to floor.It is assembled from various components to include steel or aluminum anchors,mullions (vertical tubes),rails (horizontal mullions),vision glass,spandrel glass,insulation and metal back pans.In addition,there are various hardware components to include anchors,aluminum connectors, setting blocks,corner blocks,pressure plates,caps,gaskets and sealants